As the famous quote goes, “The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa — for he has so much to look forward to” — Richard Mullin
Africa has a way of creeping into your heart and building a deep longing that draws you back to the continent. The best thing to do when you return from Africa is start planning your return.
Here is why you should experience Africa at least once in your life.
1. The Rawness – you feel so much more alive when you are in Africa — your senses are heightened knowing you are a little further down on the food chain. It is this sense of being on the edge that fills the air with energy and endless possibilities.
2. The Wildlife – the first time that you experience an elephant stop and raise its trunk to acknowledge your presence is a breathtaking moment — not to mention the sight of a lioness pride hunting in unison or hearing the magnificent sound of the African fisheagle, the call of Africa. You may have many spent hours reading about the experience of wildlife encounters but nothing truly prepares you for that single moment when you experience it with your own eyes (or ears).
“Africa gives you the knowledge that man is a small creature, among other creatures, in a large landscape.” Doris Lessing
3. The People – Africans love their continent— even those who may be less fortunate than others have a certain pride that goes with being African. There is a warmth and an openness you will find from people in few other places in the world.
4. The Culture – a continent comprising of 57 nations houses such a diverse range of cultures from ancient tribes to growing economic powerhouses and everything in between.
5. The Landscapes – from open grassland plains to barren desserts, lush rainforrests and breath taking waterfalls to diverse marine areas, Africa offers vistas that showcase the best that Mother Nature has to offer.
6. The Sunsets – nowhere epitomises a sunset like the African one does. The iconic ball of fire sinking over an acacia tree is even better in real life because you have the sounds of the wild that go along with it as nightfalls.
7. The Food – African food offers variety and flavour — from the spices influenced by traders in the north to the wide variety of meats and dairy in the south. The Arabian flavours of the East and the energy rich meals and spicy flavours in the West. Each meal offers a culinary exploration that originates from the regions rich history can can delight and definitely surprise.
8. The Wilderness – the ability to escape the worries of life, live at one with nature and truly get to know yourself in the ‘bush’.
You owe it to yourself to experience Africa at some stage in your life. Explore the possibilities at :
“The eye never forgets what the heart has seen” Bantu Proverb