It has been an epic first few weeks here on Pridelands, from domestics with our twin girls starting school, saving tortoises on the road through to visiting friends at Londolozi Lodge and some incredible Leopard sightings.

We said goodbye to Dave and Emma Pocock, wishing them all the best on their next African leg in Zimbabwe. Although I won’t miss his fitness sessions — I did try out for water boy for the Wallabies — Dave said I wasn’t really made from the right stuff.

We have also been focused on cleanup operations at Pridelands, bush clearing, erosion repair and buying chainsaws!

A highlight was seeing John our USA CEO swinging the sledgehammer in the 39-degree heat before wilting in the African sun (come to think of it so did I!).

The lowlight was finding four snares intended to tighten and trap mainly Antelope on Pridelands, ensuring a long and painful death for the animal. We are now arranging a full property snare sweep in the coming weeks.
We had some fantastic help from our new local crew Thomas, Richard, Jeremiah, and Gibbon showing us how work is done in the bush!