Agile Gibbon
(Hylobates agilis)

Sumatran Islands
Montane and Lowland Forests
Height up to
34 cm
Weight up to
5.8 kgs
25 years
Monogomous - Arboreal - Territorial
At home in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra, the Agile Gibbon is well adapted to its life in the forest canopy with extremely long arms and fingers allowing it to swing from tree to tree via brachiation. Agile Gibbons can be a variety of colors from black to light brown and even tan. Males are easily distinguished by the white fur on the sides of their faces resembling sideburns while both sexes have white eyebrows and lack tails.
This species requires a high caloric diet and eats mainly fruit, as such it is an important seed disperser. It is a highly vocal species with a complex system of communication that involves both vocalizations as well as facial expressions, gestures, and postures. It is strictly territorial and fiercely defends its territory with visual displays and songs. Its songs are some of the most beautiful and recognizable in the forest, with bird-like melodies that are often sung in duet between mating pairs to communicate strength, bond reinforcement, and territory.
Seed Dispersal
Large scale deforestation is leading to habitat loss.
Capture for Pet Trade
Illegal wildlife trade threatens this species.