(Acinonyx jubatus)

East Africa Acacia Savannahs
Height up to
94 cm
Length up to
150 cm
Weight up to
72 kgs
8 years
World's Fastest Land Animal - Territorial - Promiscuous
The Cheetah prefers grasslands and deserts. It is slim with pale yellow-gray fur, small black spots arranged unevenly and a long tail. Its face is marked with a black line that runs from the corner of its eye down its muzzle. This is a promiscuous species, mating with as many females as possible. Females are solitary and breed throughout the year, giving birth to between 1 – 6 cubs after a gestation period of up to 95 days.
This species is territorial with males marking their territory by raking the floor with their claws and urinating. The Cheetah is a carnivore, preying on medium sized ungulates including the Impala and Gazelle as well as hares and birds. This big cat will knock down its prey, strangling it by clasping onto the throat. The Cheetah uses speed to capture its prey, charging from a distance of between 100 – 200 meters away and reaching speeds of up to 112 km/h.
Prey Population Control
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
Lives in low population densities and requires a large habitat for survival.
Human-Wildlife Conflict
Threatens livestock and is persecuted by game farmers.
Loss of Prey
Loss of prey due to agriculture conversion.
Sometimes caught in snares for bushmeat, skin or other cultural uses.
High levels or tourism can interfere with hunting, scaring this species away from kills or separating a mother and her cubs.