Clouded Leopard
(Neofelis nebulosa)

Naga-Manapuri-Chin Hills Moist Forests
Height up to
40 cm
Length up to
90 cm
Weight up to
22 kgs
11 Years
Talented Climber - Exceptional Balance - Strong Swimmer - Keen Vision - Sharp Sense of Smell
The Clouded Leopard is native to the Himalayan foothills, it is a solitary species that is believed to be extremely secretive. The Clouded Leopard is so called for the black elliptical markings which resemble clouds over its pale yellow coat. The size of a small labrador, this species is distinctive for its extra long tail which is sometimes longer than its body, providing exceptional balance.
It has elongated canines, more significant than any other cat species (in relation to its body size) which has earned it the reputation as the ‘modern-day saber-tooth.’ A resident of the forest, it is well-adapted to life in the trees with short legs, broad paws and its long tail which makes it excellent at climbing. It also has remarkable swimming abilities.
As a top predator in its home range, it plays a vital role in keeping prey populations in check, limiting the stress these species place on plant populations within an ecosystem. It hunts day and night both in the trees and on the ground and preys on primates, birds, small mammals, porcupines, deer, and wild boar, as well as domestic livestock. It is a shy, elusive species with keen vision and an excellent sense of smell. Unlike other cats, it does not purr but makes a range of vocalizations including hissing, growling, and snorting.
Prey Population Control
Habitat Loss And Fragmentation
Deforestation is the most significant threat.
Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade
Hunted for its skin, teeth and bones used in traditional medicine. Sold as a pet in certain Asian countries.
Human - Animal Conflict
Persecuted for killing livestock.