Fishing Cat
(Prionailurus viverrinus)

Naga-Manapuri-Chin Hills Moist Forests
Height up to
40 cm
Length up to
115 cm
Weight up to
16 Kgs
12 Years
Swimming - Fishing
One of the larger species of the lesser cats, the unique Fishing Cat lives in wetland areas and is one of the few cats that like water. In fact, this species is very at home near water and can swim long distances even under water. It frequently enters rivers, streams and lakes, diving for fish and catching fish with its paws. As such it is an important population controller of certain fish species.
It also preys on frogs, snakes, crustaceans, dogs, and goats. It has a long stocky body, short legs, a thick tail and a broad head. Its fur is olive grey in color with black bars along the neck and face, brown spots on the body and incomplete rings on the tail. It is primarily nocturnal. The Fishing Cat mates during January and February and the gestation period lasts 63 – 70 days. The female gives birth to two or three kittens.
Prey Population Control
Habitat Loss
Due to agriculture and aquaculture.
Hunting, poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
Limited Research
Limited awareness locally and globally due to lack of research.

Left in the Wild