
Martial Eagle

(Polemaetus bellicosus)

East Africa Acacia Savannahs


Length up to

96 cm

Weight up to

6.5 kgs


14 years


2.6 meters

Soars - Agressive - Powerful Legs - Opportunistic Hunter

The Martial Eagle is Africa’s largest eagle, and one of the most powerful avian predators. Its plumage is dark brown on its upperparts, head, and chest; its underparts are white with brownish-black spots. Its eyes are bright yellow, and it has greenish feet with black talons. It also has a short crest. It’s colouring, combined with its ferociousness, has earned it the nickname “the leopard of the air.”

The Martial Eagle can be found in open habitats from Savannah to scrubby woodland and requires large trees for nesting. It forms monogamous pairs and mates for life. This eagle builds a large nest where the female lays 1 – 2 eggs which she incubates for up to 50 days.

This species spends most of its time hunting. It soars high in the sky before diving at its prey and striking with its sturdy legs and sharp talons. It has keen eyesight and can spot prey from up to six kilometers away. The Martial Eagle preys on a variety of medium-sized mammals including squirrels, mongoose, guineafowl, snakes, and lizards. This eagle is believed to be powerful enough to break a man’s arm with one of its legs.


Prey Population Control


Human-Wildlife Conflict

Persecution through hunting and poisoning as they pose a predatory threat to livestock.

Collision with Powerlines

This species sometimes nests on pylons due to an absence of trees.

Habitat Loss

Due to agriculture and human expansion.


Areas with high elephant population densities threaten Martial Eagle nesting sites.

Left in the Wild