Military Macaw
(Ara militaris)

Choc_-Dari・ゥn Moist Forests
Height up to
80 cm
Weight up to
1 kg
60 Years
110 cm
Intelligent - Highly Social - Loud Vocalisations
The Military Macaw is a large parrot and a medium sized macaw with bright green plumage, bright red head feathers, a black beak and blue, and red tail feathers. It is usually found in pairs or groups of up to four and roosts in large numbers on cliffs or trees where it often makes loud vocalisations that can be heard from a great distance.
It leaves its flocks at dawn to visit feeding areas and clay licks along river beds. This species primarily feeds on seeds, nuts, berries, and fruit and is an important disperser of seeds within its ecosystem. Its beak is well-adapted to breaking open hard shells. It feeds on clay deposits which detoxify poisons in seeds and vegetation and provide salt. The Military Macaw is monogamous, with the female laying 1 – 2 eggs which she incubates for 26 days.
Seed Disperser
Habitat Loss
Due to mining, tourism, logging and agricultural development.
Illegal Wildlife Trade
The Military Macaw is a popular pet species.
Invasive Species
Problematic non-native species are introducing disease.