Secretary Bird
(Sagittarius serpentarius)

East Africa Acacia Savannas
Height up to
Up to 137cm
Weight up to
2.3- 5kgs
10 - 15 Years
Bird of Prey - Snake Eater - Opportunistic Feeder
The Secretary bird lives in open, grassy Savannahs where it is known as the ‘Devils Horse’ in traditional African Culture. It is genetically distinct from all other species and as such is its own family. As one of Africa’s largest birds of prey, it almost looks like an eagle on crane-like legs. The Secretary bird has a crest of long feathers that resemble quill pens worn by 19th-century office workers, behind their ears. It is mostly black with some grey on its wings, thighs, and tail feathers, and red and yellow around its eye.
The Secretary bird is a predominantly terrestrial species but can take flight when frightened. It flushes out prey by stomping its feet in the tall grass and can catch food by striking with its bill. It is particularly fond of snakes, breaking a snake’s back by jumping on it, or throwing it into the air and beating it on the ground numerous times. It has scales all over its long legs for protection from venomous bites. The Secretary bird builds a nest made from long flat twigs, in the Acacia tree that can measure up to 8 feet wide, where they return to roost every night. These species mates for life and while it is territorial, pairs remain close to one another.
Population Control
Excessive burning destroys habitat.
Intensive grazing by livestock.
Waterholes poisoned by poachers.
Pet Trade
Secretary birds are kept as pets to get rid of snakes.