species Fascinating Facts: Wild Dogs 29 April 2020 | species Also known as the Cape Hunting Dog, Spotted Dog, Painted Dog or Painted Wolf, the African Wild Dog is one of Africa’s most misunderstood carnivores. The Wild Dog is recognised as Africa’s most endangered predator with only between 3000 and 5000 left in the wild. READ MORE Bear Facts 07 August 2018 | species Perceptions of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos), or “Grizzlies,” are often driven by what people see on television or in movies, but in many cases that is a long way from reality READ MORE Cairns to Cape York 31 July 2018 | travel species Enormous palms, hungry crocodiles, deep river crossings and more red dust than you could ever possibly imagine. WildArk founders Mark and Sophie Hutchinson took their family on a 2500km 4×4 journey across some of the most remote wilderness in Australia! READ MORE Below the Surface on Lady Elliot Island 24 July 2018 | travel species On the southern tip of the Great Barrier reef lies Lady Elliot Island , a 110 acre World Heritage Site , and home of the Manta ray. READ MORE Videos: Watch Leopard Seals in Action 05 July 2018 | video species The Leopard seal gets its name from its terrestrial namesake both because of its spotted neck and its role as an apex species. READ MORE From the Field: Counting Grizzlies 28 June 2018 | interviews species Meet WildArk’s newest contributor Colin Rossiter who will be sharing his adventures in researching Grizzly bears in the wilds of Knights Inlet READ MORE Load More