Privacy Policy
We do not collect personal information if you only browse this Website.
When we do collect personal information, it is our usual practice to collect this information directly from you. We do that through the process of you subscribing to our newsletter. Personal information may include your name, telephone number and email address.
Our server may log (and we may have access to) details about any computer used to access the Website (such as the IP address, operating system and browser type), the date and time of access, and details of the information downloaded.
We only use your personal information for the purposes for which you give it to us and for internal management purposes. You agree to us using your email address to send you messages concerning your subscription If you would prefer not to receive material from us, please let us know and we will respect your request.
We do not give information about you to government agencies, organisations or anyone else unless one of the following applies:
- You have consented;
- You would expect us to;
- It is required or authorised by law;
- It will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody’s life or health; or
- The disclosure is reasonably necessary for law enforcement.
You may request us to remove your personal information from our database by emailing us on or unsubscribing via our newsletters.
You consent to the transfer of personal information in the circumstances set out under the Privacy Policy above. Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) you have a right to request access to your personal information held by us. You may do this by sending us an email.
As you browse, advertising cookies may be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. This enables us to present you with retargeting advertising on other sites based on your previous interaction with Wild Ark.